2028 Official Real Fake USBA Hall of Fame Results

By | 2017-08-31
Originally written by David-Nova

If real exists, so must fake. You can’t have one without the other. We only know that Salazars exist because there are other, inferior players. We can only have good because we also have pure evil in Phoenix-Michael.

Right, so that explains the Real Fake part. You all know why the USBA thing is included. If anyone understands the Hall of Fame element please let me know. Celebration? Another thing we can fight about? Something to fill the void left by no sims! I’m open to ideas.

Thanks to everyone who participated in voting for the RFUSBAHOF. This was an effective way for me to waste time that would have otherwise been wasted on sims and OOTP, and I hope it helped you waste a little time as well. And thanks to Dave and StatsPlus, because given how OOTP makes sense of our league structure doing this without a tool like StatPlus would have sucked.

On to the good stuff. 17 people voted in some way, and 15 people voted more than once. The most votes anyone received was 14, so I decided that anyone receiving seven or more votes is in. There was some muddiness with six votes: John Hill only got 6 of 11, while Vincente Diaz got 6 of 14. The sevens were more convincing, with each of them getting at least 64% positive votes. That’s not bad!

I should also note that if someone voted both yes and no for a player that counts as a yes. This didn’t ultimately help any player get in.

Before we get to the players, here are the owner voting stats. I’d like for you all to take a very close look in the mirror.

Owner Average
dan-wizarding 1.000
destitute-scott 1.000
vancouver_dave 1.000
optimistic-mingo 1.042
mcrubo 1.171
brett-golden-sox 1.394
gerth-dc 1.426
david-nova 1.458
terrencejesus8 1.550
mau-seattle 1.591
tyler-houston1837 1.594
kerry_buckhead 1.617
tylerbostonpatriots 1.646
troyholl99 1.654
sg_na_dutchmen 1.714
blindxpanda-montana 1.913


The class of 2028:

Total Votes Yes Votes
Don Brown 14 12
Mike Silver 12 12
Ryan Davis 12 11
Jim Eliott 13 11
Michael Greene 12 10
George Valentine 12 9
Tony Dyer 12 9
Sozen Raikatuji 11 9
Roy Robinson 10 9
Guillermo Garcia 11 9
Gonzalo Lopez 10 8
Yoriyoshi Yamamoto 11 8
Chester Henry 10 8
Devin Hinton 10 8
Min-heiu Im 11 7
Manuel Villareal 11 7


I was thinking we’d give everyone two shots at getting in, but I’ve changed my mind on that. Juan Julio, Yuri Volkers, and John Hill all got more yeses than nos but fell short of seven votes. They should get another chance, the rest of the guys can bug off.

I imagine I’ll try to do this again after the season, but we’ll see. If anyone wants to help out, particularly with write-ups on nominees, please let me know. From my understanding JJ has agreed to get these updated in game so everyone has a plaque and such. If you have ideas on how to make this whole thing better, let’s talk. K bai, tnx again.